Project THE POWER OF WORDS was held in Aninoasa, Romania from 20 October - 29 October 2017. Organised by Be You Asociatia Be You
Main objectives of project:
ï‚· Raising awareness of young people about the negative consequences of offline and online hate speech;
ï‚· Increasing the level of knowledge about hate speech;
ï‚· Develop necessary competences in hate speech identification;
ï‚· Forming specific skills to combat hate speech;
ï‚· Fighting stereotypes and preventing intolerant and xenophobic behavior;
ï‚· Developing cooperation between participant organizations through the exchange of experiences about local, regional and national policies;
ï‚· Ways of involving organizations in improving policies to fight against hate speech.
Partner organisations:
Be You Association – Romania
Europejskie Forum Mlodziezy "FRATERNITAS" – Poland
Association Building Bridges – Spain
Akdeniz Egitim ve Kalkindirma Dernegi – Turkey
Associazione Di Promozione Sociale Young Effect – Italy
Goals, objectives and methodologies gave participating organizations on the project, to establish an extremely important friendship, will help establish future cooperation on new projects and organizing of events with other topics. Among all participants in our exchange will broaden the horizons, technical knowledge, tolerance and self-awareness. Stimulated both students and leaders and representatives of organizations for innovative thinking, unconventional and unique problem solving methods, and a fresh look at everyday problems. With thematic blocks, discussions and workshops participants learned how to fight with hate speech. Participant at end of project prepared Campagn.
The aim of the project was to fight against hate speech through the exchange of experiences and ideas designed to find new ways to reduce this phenomenon and to form specific competences to young participants in understanding the right to freedom of expression, identification of hate speech and increase their ability to disseminate the acquired knowledge.
During project were outlined methods:
role playing
theatre play
ice-breaking games
outdoor activities
discussions and presentations,
small group exercises
creative session
study visit